Same as it ever was Sam Toft

Same as it ever was

Feeling the Love at Nauset Light Sam Toft

Feeling the Love at Nauset Light

Remember when we first met Sam Toft

Remember when we first met

Picnic Time Approceth Sam Toft

Picnic Time Approaceth

A moon to call their own Sam Toft

A Moon to call their own

A Sneaky One Sam Toft

A Sneaky One

Crossing with Ducks Sam Toft

Crossing with Ducks

A Nice Day for It Sam Toft

A Nice Day For It

Ernest Doris Horace Stripes Sam Toft

Ernest Doris Horace Stripes

Grand Day Out Sam Toft

Grand Day Out

A Romantic Interlude Sam Toft

A Romantic Interlude

Freewheelin Sam Toft
